Infant/Toddler Credential
Keystone College offers a 12-credit Infant/Toddler Credential Program which is a work-force ready initiative that addresses evidence-based theories and practices, which early childhood practitioners require for providing high quality care and education services to children ages birth to three. The College offers instruction, which meets Pennsylvania’s Core Knowledge Competencies through the following coursework:
Infant/Toddler Credential Courses
ECE 2170 – Growth and Development
ECE 1120 – Guiding Play and Learning of Infants/Toddlers
ECE 2110 – Curriculum and Program Planning (0-3)
ECE 2750 – Field Experience for Infants/Toddlers

Credentials for Educators
Credentials for Educators
Keystone College
One College Green
La Plume, PA 18440-0200
Office Hours:
Weekdays, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.